A-Z Sprinkles of Joy and Empowerment

Here is a cheat sheet with ideas for adding joy or empowerment in your life and others.


    • An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away

      • Pack an extra apple that you plan to give away, perhaps to a homeless person or a friend who is tight on money and is unable to afford breakfast

  • B

    • Back to BASICS

      • For a lot of us, when we grew up our parents taught us proper etiquette.  Make a conscious effort to do one or all of the following
        • Say “Thank you”
        • Say “Bless You” when someone sneezes
        • Say “Please”

  • C

    • COMPLAINING is a NO! NO!

      • Challenge yourself to go 24 hours without complaining (**harder than you think)

    • DID I Sprinkle today?

      • Try to use every interaction as an opportunity to sprinkle some love or positive energy.  This can used especially when you feel surrounded by negativity.

  • E

    • EG. B. D. F.

      • Every Good Behavior Deserves Food
        • This acronym represents the notes on the lines of the treble clef.
        • Listen to music with someone special

    • F. A. C. E.

      • Fun, Art, Creativity Everyday
        • take time out every day to create

    • GRATITUDE is the ONLY Attitude

      • Choose one person a day/ a week or a month to send a note of appreciation. (you decide which works best)
        • this could be handwritten, through DM (direct messaging) or posts on Social Media (avoid verbal as its better to have something to look back on).

    • If you HAPPY and you know it HELP a friend

      • Happiness is contagious.  Use the day to reach out to a friend who can use a helping hand.
        • e.g. a shoulder to cry on or needs a ride to the grocery

    • Perspire to INSPIRE

      • Grab a friend to workout.  This is one of the best ways to relieve stress

    • JUMP in the Rain

      • On a rainy day grab a friend to jump in the rain…Be a kid.

    • KISS someone you love (kids, parents, partner, friend)

    • Ask someone about their day and make an extra effort to LISTEN and understand.

    • MOVE about and shake a tail feather (i.e. dance) with a friend 

      • Go to a party or a club or just put on music and dance with a friend(s)

  • N

    • Make a NEW friend

    • Hold the door OPEN for others

    • Tell someone how PROUD you are of them

    • Tell someone your favorite QUALITY about them

  • R


      • Plan an outdoor activity or spa day with someone you have not seen in a while

    • SMILE at a Stranger

    • Join/Create a Transformational Circle

      • This is a group of individuals who come together to embrace and empower each other

  • U

    • UNDERSTAND that a person’s response to a certain situation may vary from your own for many reasons

      • We should not judge others based on cultural differences, religious backgrounds, race or sexual preference.

  • V


      • Welp a friend with babysitting
        • contact various organizations (e.g. habitat for humanity, volunteer match)

  • W

    • Tell someone they are a “WINNER

    • Take the time to EXAMINE your relationship with a loved one

      • Make positive changes were necessary

    • Turn your No’s into YES’

    • Catch some Zzzzz’s

      • Sleep is a very important part of being healthy. 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep.