I write this not knowing who it will reach but in accordance with my year of taking leaps and making things happen, I decided to go for it.
I sit here on a bus, heading home on my 1.5 hr commute from work thinking to myself how great life is and what an amazing time to be alive with such amazing role models.
How it All Began?
This year I embarked on a journey of not only self-love but also taking a Holistic and Creatively Artistic approach to empower others to show love and compassion to each other at the most minute level. By that, I mean showing love, compassion, and gratitude in the little things we do – not necessarily grand gestures. Although these little things could eventually lead to bigger gestures. I called this Journey/Movement “Sprinkle TLC”.
Insecure and Overwhelmed
The question that comes up is why do this? Why put all this effort into making people feel cared and loved? Why make others feel like they matter? Funny thing is it started with a self-analysis. I noticed that I wasn’t legitimately happy and that anything could trigger me to feeling down, especially and very often my “9-5”. I was always disgruntled and complained a lot and felt bothered. I felt like I didn’t belong and that I was at many times regarded insignificantly.
The job was not providing me with any satisfaction…Or so I thought. My authentic self wanted others to be happy and smiling. I enjoyed seeing bright colors, eating ice cream with sprinkles and sitting in group circles at workshops which made others feel happy on completion.
How was I going to attain this? How would I single-handedly improve humanity with smiles and a Sprinkle of TLC? So, I decided at the beginning of this year to create a vision board. On my vision board, I created sections of my life that I wanted to fix. One of these sections was my attitude. I started realizing that I can not help others or empower others around me until I first fix myself. This is how Sprinkle TLC came to life. There is no better way to begin this journey than with “A Sprinkle of Thanks and A Pinch of Gratitude”.
Lots of love,
The post A Sprinkle of Thanks and A Pinch of Gratitude appeared first on SPRINKLE THE LOVE CREATIVELY.